Streamlining Waste Management Eko-logis Leads the Market


Eko-logis, Wrocław's waste management leader, partnered with us to revolutionize their operations. Through custom desktop and mobile apps, we transformed their daily grind, boosting efficiency and customer satisfaction while cutting costs. The result? A cleaner, greener, and more profitable waste management operation.

Technology stack:

The Waste Wizards of Wrocław

Imagine a world where managing waste is as smooth as your morning coffee routine. That's the world Eko-logis, a waste management powerhouse in Wrocław, Poland, dreamed of creating. Established in 2008, this private Polish company has grown to become a leader in their field, handling virtually all types of waste (except municipal) in the Wrocław market.

But with great success comes great complexity. Eko-logis found themselves juggling a growing fleet, an expanding customer base, and increasingly complex logistics. They needed a solution that could keep up with their growth and streamline their operations. That's where we came in.


Bridging the Gap Between Trucks and Tech

Eko-logis' success brought new challenges in managing complex logistics, customer relationships, and regulatory compliance. The company needed a significant change - a complete reimagining of their operations for the digital age.

Our mission was to create a comprehensive digital ecosystem for Eko-logis, consisting of two interconnected tools designed to cater to different user groups within the company:


A desktop application for the office team, particularly the shippers and logisticians. This needed to handle fleet management, customer communications, order processing, route planning, and even accounting and regulatory compliance.


A mobile application for the drivers, serving as their digital co-pilot for daily tasks and navigation.


Mapping the Route to Efficiency

Eko-logis set ambitious goals to maintain their market position and prepare for future growth. Their vision reflected a commitment to leading the industry into a new era of efficiency and sustainability.

Eko-logis had a clear and ambitious vision for this digital transformation project. They aimed to:


Transform waste management processes into a model of efficiency


Create a seamless link between office staff and drivers


Develop an intelligent route planning system


Integrate accounting and regulatory compliance (BDO) systems


Design interfaces so intuitive that even the most tech-resistant employees would love them


Ensure perfect synchronization between desktop and mobile applications

Our Approach
Our Approach

Agile Waste Management

Our approach balanced technical innovation with the practical realities of the waste management industry. We adopted an Agile mindset to maintain flexibility and keep our client involved throughout the development process.

To tackle this waste management mountain, we adopted an Agile mindset, leveraging Scrum methodology to maintain flexibility and keep our client deeply involved throughout the development process. This approach allowed us to adapt quickly to changing requirements and ensure that the end product truly met Eko-logis' needs. Here's a detailed breakdown of our strategy:


Discovery Phase

We rolled up our sleeves and got our hands dirty (metaphorically speaking) to truly understand Eko-logis' daily operations, pain points, and the unique needs of each user group.


Design Sprints

We quickly created prototypes, focusing on interfaces that even the most tech-averse could navigate with ease.


Parallel Development

We built the desktop and mobile apps simultaneously, ensuring they would work together seamlessly.


Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

We set up GitlabCI for the mobile app, maintaining code quality and smooth deployments.


User Testing

We regularly put our creations in front of the Eko-logis team, gathering feedback and fine-tuning the user experience until it felt just right.

Technology Stack
Technology Stack

Building the Digital Recycling Plant

For Eko-logis, we carefully curated a technology stack to provide robust functionality, scalability, and user-friendliness, ensuring the final product would meet and exceed expectations.

In developing the digital ecosystem for Eko-logis, we carefully curated our technology stack to build a robust, efficient, and user-friendly system. Each technology was chosen with specific goals in mind, ensuring that the final product would meet and exceed Eko-logis' expectations. Here's a detailed look at our technology choices and the reasoning behind them:


Electron JS

We chose this for its ability to create a cross-platform desktop app that feels native on any operating system, providing flexibility for future expansion.



This framework's reactive capabilities and component-based architecture were perfect for building the complex user interfaces required for managing Eko-logis' operations.


Ruby on Rails

This robust backend framework allowed us to build a solid API and seamlessly integrate with our database, providing the backbone for the entire system.



We selected this as our database for its reliability and advanced features, capable of handling the large volume of data Eko-logis generates.



We implemented this for caching and as a message broker, keeping the app responsive and enabling real-time updates crucial for coordinating fleet operations.



This tool handles background jobs efficiently, taking care of tasks that need to run behind the scenes without affecting the user experience.



We chose Kotlin for its modern features and compatibility with Java, providing a robust foundation for the mobile app.


MVVM Architecture

This pattern keeps our code organized and testable, crucial for maintaining and updating the app as Eko-logis' needs evolve.


Coroutines and Flows

These features manage asynchronous operations smoothly, keeping the app responsive even when juggling multiple tasks like GPS tracking and data syncing.



This local database solution plays nicely with Android, perfect for storing data on the device and enabling offline functionality.


Navigation Component

This simplifies screen navigation and keeps our app structure clean, enhancing the user experience for drivers.



This feature reduces boilerplate code and potential runtime errors, contributing to a more stable app.


Turning Plans into Action

Our implementation strategy focused on creating solutions that would solve current problems and provide a foundation for future innovation and growth in Eko-logis' operations.

Bringing Eko-logis' vision to life was a journey filled with innovation, challenges, and teamwork. We approached each aspect of the implementation with a focus on creating a system that would not just meet Eko-logis' current needs, but provide a foundation for future growth and innovation. Here's a detailed look at how we turned their waste management operations into a high-tech marvel:


Real-time Synchronization

We created a digital nervous system for Eko-logis using WebSocket implementation with Redis. This allowed office staff and drivers to stay in perfect sync, with last-minute changes appearing instantly on drivers' phones. It was like giving the entire company a sixth sense for operational changes.


Offline Capability

Knowing that Wrocław's outskirts aren't exactly a hub of 5G coverage, we made sure our mobile app could work offline using Room. This meant drivers could access and update information even in cellular dead zones, ensuring no disruption to their work no matter where their routes took them.


Route Optimization

We developed a custom algorithm powered by Google Maps API that became Eko-logis' secret weapon. This smart routing system allowed drivers to complete more pickups in less time, using less fuel. Not only did this boost the bottom line, but it also aligned perfectly with Eko-logis' eco-friendly mission, leading to an estimated 20-ton reduction in annual CO2 emissions.


BDO Integration

We turned the headache of regulatory compliance into a streamlined process. By automating compliance with the national waste database (BDO), we freed up countless hours of manual data entry. This integration not only saved time but also reduced the risk of errors in regulatory reporting.


Performance Optimization

As Eko-logis grew, so did their data. We implemented lazy loading and pagination in the desktop app, allowing it to handle millions of records without breaking a sweat. This ensured that the system's performance could keep pace with Eko-logis' growth, providing a foundation for their continued success.

Challenges Overcome
Challenges Overcome

Turning Roadblocks into Stepping Stones

Each challenge we faced was an opportunity to innovate and improve our solution, enhancing both technical aspects and ensuring successful adoption and long-term value for Eko-logis.

Our path to creating Eko-logis' digital ecosystem wasn't always smooth, but each roadblock became an opportunity to innovate and improve our solution. Here's a deeper look at the challenges we faced and how we overcame them:


Data Consistency

Offline mobile updates and real-time desktop changes initially clashed like oil and water. We solved this with a smart conflict resolution system that merged updates, prioritizing critical information. This didn't just solve a technical problem, it eliminated a major headache for staff, ensuring everyone was always working with the most up-to-date information.


Legacy System Integration

Eko-logis' old accounting software wasn't playing nice with our new CRM. We built a custom API layer to act as a translator, preserving their investment in the legacy system while connecting it to a wealth of new data. This integration turned month-end closing from a week-long marathon into a day-long sprint.


User Adoption

Change can be daunting, especially when it involves new technology. We tackled this with a two-pronged approach: thorough training sessions and an intuitive in-app tutorial system. As users got hands-on with the new system, skepticism turned to enthusiasm. The result was a cultural shift within Eko-logis towards embracing innovation, setting them up for future success.


Real-World Impact

The impact of our digital transformation on Eko-logis' operations was profound, solving immediate challenges and positioning the company for continued growth in an increasingly competitive industry.

The impact of our digital transformation for Eko-logis has been truly remarkable, touching every aspect of their operations and positioning them for continued growth and success. Here's a detailed look at the concrete results achieved:


Eko-logis now efficiently manages an average of 5,500 orders monthly, showcasing the scalability and effectiveness of the new system.


The company oversees a substantial client base of about 9,000 customers, demonstrating the robust capability of the CRM system we implemented.


Our solution has helped Eko-logis maintain its leading position in the Wrocław market for the export of virtually all types of waste (except municipal waste).


The integration of accounting and BDO service modules into the desktop application has expanded its utility beyond just shippers, allowing other employees to benefit from the system as well.


The mobile application has become a crucial link between drivers and shippers, streamlining communication and task management.


"The team was engaged and attentive to our needs, I felt like they really cared about my business and the product. They offered several enhancements that translated into better navigation and functionality of the application."

Grzegorz Adamczyk | CTO | Eko-logis
Future Direction
Future Direction

The Road Ahead

The digital transformation of Eko-logis is an ongoing journey. We're excited about the potential to further enhance their operations and maintain their industry leadership as technology evolves.

Looking ahead, we're excited about the potential for further enhancements to Eko-logis' digital ecosystem. The foundation we've built provides a solid platform for continued innovation and growth. Here are some of the possibilities we're exploring:


Advanced analytics for even more efficient route planning


Expanded integration with smart city initiatives


Enhanced sustainability tracking and reporting features

Build impactful products that revolutionize healthcare

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