Nationwide Movement - Building a Digital Platform that Got 150 000 Kids Moving


When a HealthTech startup backed by Sebastian Kulczyk's foundation came to us, they had a bold vision: to get kids off the couch and into action. We took on the challenge, creating a digital platform that not only tracks activity but makes fitness fun. The result? A nationwide movement that's touched the lives of 150 000 young users and brought over 1100 schools together in exciting fitness challenges.

Technology stack:

Turning Screen Time into Active Time

In today's world, where screens often win the battle for kids' attention, our client dreamed of using that same technology to promote active lifestyles. They approached us with a clear goal: to revolutionize how children engage with physical activity. The question was, how do we turn screen time into active time?

150 000
kids use this app
50 000
kids coming back month after month
schools participated

Overcoming Digital Hurdles

Our client faced several hurdles on their path to getting kids moving. These challenges weren't just technical, they involved understanding child psychology, navigating the complexities of school systems, and creating a solution that could scale nationwide. Here's what we were up against:


Cross-Platform Compatibility

They needed an app that worked smoothly across different devices while accurately tracking activities.


User Engagement

The app had to be so engaging that kids would choose it over their favorite games.


Fun Factor

Exercise needed to feel like play, not a chore.



The system had to handle everything from individual step counts to nationwide school competitions without breaking a sweat.


Fair Play

We had to ensure fair play, preventing any attempts to cheat the system.


Dreaming Big for Little Movers

Our client had big dreams for this project. They weren't just looking to create another app, they wanted to spark a nationwide movement that could potentially go global. Their vision was ambitious, but we were excited to help bring it to life. Here's what they aimed to achieve:


Habit Formation

To make daily physical activity a natural part of kids' routines


Engaging UX

To create an app that kids would love using to track their activities


Comprehensive Platform

To build a web platform for sharing workout videos and running large-scale competitions


Community Building

To foster a sense of community through both individual and group challenges


User-Friendly Design

To design an interface so intuitive that kids of all ages could easily use it


Scalable Solution

To create a solution that could grow from nationwide to potentially worldwide

Our Approach
Our Approach

Flexibility Meets Fun


We knew we needed a flexible approach to bring this vision to life. We chose an Agile methodology, working in short sprints and constantly checking in with our client. This way, we could adapt quickly to new ideas and feedback, ensuring we were always on the right track.



Discovery and Planning

We started by diving deep into our client's vision. We created detailed profiles of our young users and mapped out their journey, ensuring our solution would speak their language.


Design Sprints

Knowing how crucial the app's look and feel would be for engaging kids, we ran multiple design sprints. We quickly tried out different ideas, getting feedback and refining until we had an interface that kids couldn't resist.


Agile Development

We built the app piece by piece, showing our progress every two weeks. This approach let us quickly adjust based on feedback, ensuring we were always moving in the right direction.


Integration Planning

We put extra care into planning how our app would work with Google Fit and Apple Health. This careful planning ensured we could accurately track activities while preparing for future changes in these platforms.


Continuous Testing and Security

Throughout the process, we rigorously tested the app, including with our target audience – kids. We also implemented strong security measures to keep the competition fair and fun for everyone.

Technology Stack
Technology Stack

Our Tech Toolkit

Choosing the right technologies was crucial to the success of our project. We needed a stack that could handle the complexities of our app while remaining flexible enough to adapt to future needs. After careful consideration, we settled on a combination of cutting-edge and tried-and-true technologies:


Mobile App Development

Flutter became our tool of choice for creating an app that feels great on any device.


Backend Development

Ruby on Rails provided the robust backend we needed to handle all the behind-the-scenes magic.


Web Application

Vue.js helped us craft a web application that's both powerful and easy to use.


Content Management

WordPress gave our client an easy way to manage their website content, keeping everyone updated on the latest news and challenges.


Bringing the Vision to Life

Our implementation journey was marked by several key milestones. Each of these represented a significant step forward in bringing our client's vision to life. From integrating with health apps to creating engaging user interfaces, every achievement brought us closer to our goal of getting kids moving. Here are some of our proudest moments:


Health App Integration

We successfully connected with Google Fit and Apple Health, ensuring every hop, skip, and jump is accurately tracked.


Gamification System

We implemented a point system and achievement badges that keep kids excited about staying active.



We built a system capable of handling large-scale competitions, successfully bringing together over 1,100 schools in a single challenge.


Animated UI

We created lively animations that make the app a joy to use for children.


Video Platform

We built a responsive web platform for sharing fun training videos, seamlessly integrated with the mobile app.


Anti-Cheating Measures

We implemented features to ensure fair play, maintaining the integrity of competitions.

Challenges Overcome
Challenges Overcome

How We Tackled Tough Challenges

No project of this scale comes without its hurdles, and ours was no exception. We faced several significant challenges along the way, each requiring creative problem-solving and technical expertise to overcome. These obstacles pushed us to innovate and improve, ultimately leading to a stronger, more robust final product. Here are some of the key challenges we tackled:


Performance Optimization

When our first big competition nearly overwhelmed the system, we rolled up our sleeves and optimized our code and databases to handle thousands of active users with ease.


Health App Integration

Connecting with different health apps was like solving a complex puzzle, but we found a way to make everything work smoothly together.


User Engagement and Retention

To keep kids coming back, we created a carefully balanced notification system that encourages without overwhelming.


Cheating Prevention

We tackled attempts to game the system head-on, creating a comprehensive anti-cheating system that keeps the playing field level for everyone.


A Nation on the Move

The impact of our work speaks for itself. What started as an ambitious idea has grown into a nationwide movement, touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. Our platform has not only encouraged physical activity but has also fostered a sense of community and healthy competition among schools across the country. Here are some of the impressive outcomes of our work:


User Base Growth

Nearly 150 000 kids have created accounts, forming a community larger than many small cities.


Active User Engagement

At our peak, about 50 000 users were logging in monthly, making fitness a regular part of their routine.


School Participation

Over 1 100 schools joined forces in a nationwide challenge, turning individual efforts into a collective movement.


Ecosystem Creation

We didn't just build an app, we created an ecosystem that's changing how a generation thinks about fitness.


Long-Term Impact

Early feedback suggests we're not just counting steps, we're helping form habits that could last a lifetime.

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