Steppie Transforms Daily Walks into Insurance Rewards


Momentum joined forces with Steppie to create a groundbreaking mobile app that transforms physical activity into insurance rewards. This innovative solution not only encourages users to lead healthier lives but also promotes sustainable insurance practices, creating a win-win situation for both individuals and insurance providers.

Technology stack:

A Vision for Healthier, Wealthier Lives

In the dynamic world of insurtech, Steppie emerged with a game-changing idea: an app that transforms physical activity into tangible insurance benefits. This wasn't just about policies, it was about creating a daily motivator for better health and financial savings. Steppie's innovative approach caught the eye of industry experts, earning them a spot among the top fintech startups of 2020, as recognized by Business Insider. With a brilliant concept in hand, Steppie turned to Momentum to breathe life into their vision, creating an app that users would eagerly engage with every day.


Bridging the Gap Between Movement and Money

When Steppie approached us, their enthusiasm was palpable, but so were the hurdles they faced. They weren't just building an app, they were trying to reshape how people think about insurance and personal health.

Here's what we were up against:


Tracking Every Move

The app needed to work seamlessly with Google Fit and HealthKit. It wasn't just about counting steps, it was about accurately capturing every type of movement, from a casual stroll to an intense cycling session. Any mistakes here could erode user trust faster than you can say "step count."


Keeping Everyone Happy

We had to strike a delicate balance. The app needed to be engaging enough to keep users moving, but it also had to align with insurers' goals of reducing long-term healthcare costs. It was like trying to choreograph a dance where everyone moves to their own beat but still creates a harmonious performance.


Data Precision

In the world of fitness tracking, precision is everything. Whether someone was monitoring their heart rate during a run or tracking their cycling distance, that data needed to be flawlessly transmitted and reflected in the app. After all, rewards were on the line, and nothing kills motivation faster than feeling shortchanged.


Making Health Fun

Let's face it, for many people, the thought of exercise isn't exactly thrilling. Our challenge was to create an interface so intuitive and motivating that checking the app became as much a part of users' daily routines as their morning coffee.


Building a Bridge Between Fitness and Finance

The Steppie project was driven by a set of ambitious goals that went beyond creating a typical health app or insurance product. Our objectives were designed to revolutionize the intersection of health tracking and insurance, addressing user needs, business objectives, and industry impact. These goals guided every aspect of our development process, from technical architecture to user interface design:


Develop a functional, user-friendly mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms.


Integrate the app seamlessly with Google Fit (Android) and HealthKit (iOS).


Implement an accurate activity tracking and reward system.


Create a platform that benefits both the insurer and the customer through daily engagement.


Utilize gamification to encourage positive lifestyle changes.

Our Approach
Our Approach

Turning Vision into Virtual Reality

Confronted with the multifaceted challenges presented by Steppi's innovative concept, Applover approached the project with a blend of strategic thinking, technical expertise, and creative problem-solving. Our process was designed to not just address the surface-level requirements, but to dive deep into the core of what Steppi was trying to achieve.

Here's a detailed look at how we tackled this unique project:


Getting into Steppie's Shoes

We didn't just listen to Steppie's vision, we lived it. We spent time really understanding what they were trying to achieve. This wasn't just another fitness app or insurance product, it was a lifestyle companion designed to make every move count.


Perfecting the Integration

We dove deep into the world of Google Fit and HealthKit, ensuring that our integration was flawless. Every jump, jog, and jaunt had to be captured accurately. It was painstaking work, but essential for building trust with users.


Crafting Engagement

Our design team put on their creative hats, determined to make health tracking feel less like a chore and more like a game. We incorporated challenges, badges, and progress bars, turning daily activities into a rewarding adventure.


Bridging Health and Insurance

We built a reward system that directly connected healthy behaviors to insurance benefits. It was like creating a virtuous cycle: the more users moved, the more they saved, and the healthier they became.

Technology Stack
Technology Stack

Building the Foundation for Fitness and Finance

In bringing Steppi's groundbreaking concept to life, the choice of technology stack was crucial. We needed a robust, scalable, and flexible set of tools that could handle the complex requirements of the app while ensuring smooth performance and future growth potential. Our selection was based on a careful analysis of the app's needs, industry best practices, and our team's expertise.

Here's a detailed look at the technology stack we employed and the reasoning behind each choice:


Mobile Platforms

We developed for both Android and iOS to ensure no one was left out of the health revolution.


Real-Time Note Generation

Backend: Ruby on Rails was our choice for the backend. Its robustness and scalability were perfect for handling the app's data-intensive nature.


Integration Tools

We leveraged Google Fit and HealthKit to their fullest, ensuring every user's activity was accurately captured, regardless of their device preference.



Given the sensitive nature of health data, we implemented advanced encryption and secure authentication protocols. Users' privacy was paramount.


From Concept to Life-Changing App

The implementation phase of the Steppi app was a journey marked by innovation, precision, and continuous refinement. As we brought Steppi's vision to life, we achieved several key milestones and implemented features that set the app apart in the health and insurance technology landscape.

Here's a detailed look at our key achievements:


Seamless Activity Tracking

We nailed the integration with Google Fit and HealthKit, ensuring every user action was accurately recorded. It was like creating a digital shadow that followed users' every move, but in a good way.


Engaging User Experience

The app's interface became a motivational playground. Daily challenges kept users on their toes, while rewards and progress tracking turned everyday activities into exciting milestones.


Reliable Data Handling

We ensured that data from various devices was transmitted and displayed accurately. It was like building a digital translator that spoke the language of every fitness device fluently.


Health-Insurance Synergy

Successfully linking healthy behaviors to insurance rewards was our crowning achievement. We had created a system where every step truly did count, both for users' health and their wallets.

Challenges Overcome
Challenges Overcome

Overcoming Hurdles on the Path to Success

Bringing Steppie's innovative concept to life presented a series of complex challenges that tested our technical expertise and creativity. These ranged from data integration issues to balancing user engagement with regulatory compliance. Each obstacle pushed us to innovate, resulting in solutions that not only resolved immediate issues but also enhanced our capabilities in health tech and InsurTech domains:


Data Accuracy

We tackled the challenge of activity misclassification head-on, ensuring users received accurate rewards for their efforts. It was like training a digital referee to make the right call every time.


Balancing Act

Designing a reward system that kept users motivated while aligning with insurers' goals was tricky. We found the sweet spot where health improvements and cost reductions met, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved.


A Healthier Future, One Step at a Time

The launch of the Steppi app marked not just the culmination of our development efforts, but the beginning of a new era in health-focused insurance technology. The results of our collaboration with Steppi were far-reaching, touching on various aspects of user health, engagement, and the insurance industry as a whole.

Here's a comprehensive look at the outcomes:


Health Improvements

Users weren't just moving more, they were living better. The app became a catalyst for healthier lifestyles, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


User Engagement

The app's intuitive design and seamless tracking led to high user participation. People weren't just downloading the app, they were making it a part of their daily lives.


Trust Building

Users could see their efforts accurately reflected in the app, building a foundation of trust that's crucial for long-term engagement.


Insurer Benefits

For insurance companies, the app's success translated into a healthier customer base and potentially lower claim rates, proving that prevention truly is better than cure.

Future Direction
Future Direction

Next Steps for Steppie

The launch of the Steppie app marks the beginning of an exciting journey in health-focused InsurTech. Looking ahead, we see numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. While specific plans would be developed in collaboration with Steppie, we can envision several directions that could further revolutionize how individuals interact with their health and insurance providers:


Broadening partnerships with insurance providers and health platforms to offer users a wider range of benefits and incentives.


Incorporating sophisticated AI algorithms for personalized health recommendations and optimized insurance plans.


Adding more interactive elements like community challenges and leader boards to boost user engagement and motivation.

Build impactful products that revolutionize healthcare

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