How InnGen Brought Medical Testing into the Digital Age


Momentum partnered with InnGen, a leader in in-vitro diagnostics, to create a digital platform that revolutionizes how people access and purchase medical tests. Our team developed a comprehensive web-based application that simplifies the process of buying tests, manages orders efficiently, and optimizes scheduling through a sophisticated capacity management system.

Technology stack:

Bridging the Digital Gap in Diagnostics

Inngen, specializing in fertility, genetic disorders in minors, and oncology diagnostics, faced a significant challenge. They had the medical expertise but lacked a digital platform to bring their services to a broader audience. Momentum stepped in to bridge this gap, aiming to make buying medical tests as straightforward as ordering a pizza, while maintaining the security and precision that healthcare demands.


Scaling the HealthTech Mountain

The task before us was monumental, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in HealthTech innovation. We weren't just building a website, we were creating a digital ecosystem that had to balance user-friendliness with medical complexity, all while adhering to the strictest healthcare standards. The multifaceted nature of this project presented us with a series of intricate challenges:


User-Friendly Interface

Creating a user-friendly interface that could handle the intricacies of medical testing was no small feat. We needed to simplify complex processes without sacrificing accuracy or functionality.


Multi-Stakeholder Platform

The platform had to serve multiple stakeholders - patients, administrators, and laboratories - each with their own unique needs and workflows. Balancing these diverse requirements demanded careful planning and execution.


Real-Time Capacity Management

Implementing a real-time capacity management system based on lab availability and test types posed a significant logistical challenge. This system needed to be both flexible and precise to ensure efficient resource allocation.


Healthcare Data Protection Compliance

Ensuring strict compliance with healthcare data protection standards was non-negotiable. Every aspect of the platform had to adhere to the highest levels of security and privacy.


Seamless Third-Party Integrations

Seamlessly integrating multiple third-party services for communication, payments, and geolocation required careful coordination and technical expertise.


Targeting Digital Healthcare Excellence

In our initial discussions with Inngen, we worked together to crystallize their vision into a set of concrete objectives. These goals would serve as our north star throughout the project, guiding our decisions and ensuring that every feature we developed aligned with Inngen's overarching mission. The primary objectives we established were:


Develop a user-friendly digital platform for purchasing medical tests


Create a comprehensive system to manage orders efficiently for administrators and laboratories


Implement a capacity management system to optimize scheduling and resource allocation


Ensure full compliance with healthcare regulations and data protection standards


Integrate key third-party services to enhance functionality and user experience

Our Approach
Our Approach

Strategizing for Success

We knew that bringing InnGen's vision to life would require more than just technical know-how. It demanded a deep dive into the world of healthcare, a dash of creativity, and a whole lot of collaboration. Our approach included:


Intensive brainstorming sessions to understand InnGen's needs and map out the patient journey


Careful selection of technologies - Ruby on Rails for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend


Development of a smart scheduling system to balance lab capacities and patient preferences


Integration of Mailgun for emails and Twilio for SMS to ensure efficient communication


Implementation of robust security measures and PayNow by mBank for secure transactions


Creation of an intuitive user interface through extensive testing and refinement

Technology Stack
Technology Stack

Powering Innovation with the Right Tools

In crafting Inngen's digital platform, our choice of technologies was driven by the need for robustness, scalability, and user-friendliness. Each technology was carefully selected to address specific aspects of the project's requirements, ensuring that the final product would not only meet Inngen's immediate needs but also provide a solid foundation for future growth and innovation. Here's a deeper dive into our tech stack and the rationale behind each choice:


Frontend - Vue.js

We chose Vue.js for its component-based architecture, which allowed us to create a responsive and interactive user interface. This framework enabled us to maintain consistency across the complex application while providing a smooth user experience.


Backend - Ruby on Rails

Rails' convention-over-configuration philosophy enabled rapid development of a secure and scalable backend. Its ability to handle complex medical data relationships made it ideal for this project.


CMS - WordPress

We integrated WordPress to allow Inngen's team to easily update educational content. This user-friendly interface is crucial for keeping patients informed about new tests and procedures.


Email Service - Mailgun

For reliable email delivery, we integrated Mailgun. Its robust API and excellent deliverability rates ensure that critical communications reach users' inboxes promptly.


SMS Integration - Twilio

We chose Twilio for its global reach and reliable API, enabling timely updates on test results and appointments via SMS.


Payment Gateway - PayNow

To provide flexible and secure payment options, we integrated PayNow. It supports multiple payment methods (quick transfer, BLIK, card payments) while ensuring PCI compliance.


Geolocation - Google Maps API

We leveraged the Google Maps API for its accuracy in determining coordinates based on addresses, helping patients easily locate the nearest collection points.


Overcoming Hurdles, Delivering Solutions

The implementation phase of the Inngen project was where our meticulous planning and innovative problem-solving were put to the test. As we brought the platform to life, we encountered and overcame several key challenges that pushed our team to think creatively and leverage our collective expertise:


Capacity Management System Design

Designing the capacity management system required careful consideration of various factors such as lab availability, test types, and processing times. We developed a sophisticated algorithm that optimizes scheduling while maintaining flexibility for last-minute changes.


Third-Party Service Integration

Ensuring seamless integration of multiple third-party services posed some initial hurdles. Our team worked diligently to resolve API compatibility issues and optimize data flow between systems.


User Experience Optimization

Balancing user-friendliness with the complexity of medical test information was a constant challenge. We conducted multiple rounds of user testing and iterative design to achieve the right balance.

Challenges Overcome
Challenges Overcome

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Throughout the development of Inngen's platform, we encountered a series of complex challenges that tested our technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and healthcare domain knowledge. Each obstacle presented an opportunity for innovation and growth, pushing us to deliver a solution that not only met but exceeded expectations. Here's a deeper look at the significant challenges we faced and how we successfully overcame them:


Complex Capacity Management

Designing a system that could accurately manage lab capacity while accounting for various test types and processing times was a major hurdle. We developed a sophisticated algorithm that balances efficiency with flexibility, allowing for real-time updates and last-minute changes.


Multi-Stakeholder Requirements

Balancing the needs of patients, administrators, and laboratory staff within a single platform required careful planning and numerous iterations. We conducted multiple rounds of stakeholder interviews and user testing to ensure the final product met everyone's needs.


Third-Party Integrations

Seamlessly integrating multiple external services (Mailgun, Twilio, PayNow, Google Maps API) posed initial compatibility issues. Our team worked diligently to resolve these, ensuring smooth data flow and consistent user experience across all touchpoints.


Data Security and Compliance

Ensuring strict adherence to healthcare data protection standards while maintaining system performance was a constant challenge. We implemented robust security measures and worked closely with compliance experts to create a system that's both secure and efficient.


User-Friendly Complexity

Simplifying the process of selecting and ordering complex medical tests without losing important details or compromising accuracy was a delicate balance. We employed iterative design processes and extensive user testing to create an interface that's both intuitive and comprehensive.


"The team was extremely engaged in the project - they advised on many aspects and acted as Product Owners."

Łukasz Knap | CEO | InnGen

Launching the Future of Diagnostics

The launch of the Inngen platform marked a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize access to medical diagnostics. While the application is still in its early stages of adoption, the foundation we've laid holds immense promise for transforming how people interact with healthcare services. Here's a snapshot of what we've achieved so far:


Comprehensive Digital Ecosystem

We successfully delivered a comprehensive tool that includes a website, client panel with an integrated shop, laboratory panel, and administrator panel.


Multi-Facility Support

The application is designed to handle multiple facilities, although Inngen is initially focusing on their own laboratory.


Advanced Capacity Management

We implemented a sophisticated capacity management system that efficiently handles appointment scheduling for various tests.


Expansion to Home Testing

Recently, Inngen expanded the platform's capabilities by adding a module for mail-order tests, allowing patients to order selected tests for self-administration at home.

Future Direction
Future Direction

Future Direction

As we look to the horizon, the Inngen platform stands as a launchpad for even greater innovations in healthcare accessibility and management. Our partnership with Inngen continues as we explore exciting new frontiers in medical technology and digital health. Some of the initiatives on the roadmap include:


AI-Powered Test Result Interpretation

Implementing AI for test result interpretation to provide faster and more accurate insights


Mobile Platform Expansion

Expanding to mobile platforms for even easier access to services


Wearable Device Integration

Exploring integration with wearable devices for continuous health monitoring

Build impactful products that revolutionize healthcare

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