Bringing Personalized Spine Care to Patients' Homes


We partnered with a forward-thinking HealthTech company to create a mobile app that brings tailored spine rehabilitation right to patients' homes. Our team crafted an MVP that captures the essence of a physiotherapist's expertise, offering customized exercise plans for back issues. We tackled complex decision-making processes, ensured the app adapts to patient progress, and set the stage for future AI integration and language support.

Technology stack:

Bridging the Gap in Digital Health

In today's world of digital health solutions, we saw an opportunity to bridge the gap between in-office physiotherapy and at-home spine care. Our team developed a mobile app that uses smart algorithms to analyze patient input, create personalized therapy sessions, and adjust treatments based on how patients are feeling and progressing.


Bringing Physiotherapy Expertise to Mobile Devices

Transforming our client's visionary concept into a tangible, effective solution presented a multifaceted challenge. It required not just technical prowess, but also a deep understanding of physiotherapy practices and patient needs. As we delved deeper, the complexity of digitizing a physiotherapist's expertise became increasingly apparent. Key hurdles included:


Creating a smart algorithm that could analyze patient information and generate personalized therapy plans


Making sure this algorithm could handle complex scenarios quickly and efficiently


Designing an easy-to-use interface to guide patients through exercises and questionnaires


Building a system that could adapt therapy sessions based on how patients were progressing


Ensuring the app could grow to support multiple languages and incorporate AI in the future


Building a Foundation for Personalized Digital Spine Care

With a clear understanding of the challenges ahead, we established concrete objectives to guide our development process. These goals served as our north star, ensuring we stayed true to the client's vision and provided a framework for measuring our progress. Our key objectives were:


MVP Development

Build an MVP focusing on one area of the spine, with room to expand later


Smart Algorithm Creation

Develop a unique algorithm for creating customized therapy sessions


User Interface Design

Create a user-friendly interface for patients to input information and follow exercise guides


Scalable Architecture

Design a system that could track patient progress and adjust treatments accordingly


Future-Ready Design

Ensure the app's structure could support multiple languages and AI integration down the road

Our Approach
Our Approach

Agile Development with Expert Collaboration

Tackling this complex project required a methodical yet flexible approach. We crafted a tailored strategy that would maximize efficiency and effectiveness, allowing us to adapt quickly to new insights and challenges. Here's how we broke it down:


We started with in-depth workshops, picking the brains of physiotherapy experts to understand the ins and outs of spine rehabilitation. This helped us translate their knowledge into smart algorithms.


We teamed up with data scientists to create a decision tree that could accurately match patient symptoms with the right exercises.


We quickly built prototypes to test how users would interact with the app and how well the algorithm worked, making improvements based on feedback from our client and test users.


We focused on creating a solid MVP for one spine section, laying a strong foundation for future expansions.


Throughout the process, we kept fine-tuning the algorithm to handle complex scenarios efficiently without slowing down the user experience.

Technology Stack
Technology Stack

Cutting-Edge Tools for Optimal Performance

Selecting the right technologies was crucial for the project's success. We needed a stack that could handle complex computations, provide a smooth user experience, and scale for future enhancements. After careful consideration, we settled on:


Mobile Application Flutter

We chose Flutter for its ability to efficiently develop for both iOS and Android platforms simultaneously. This cross-platform framework enabled smooth performance for exercise demonstrations and user interactions, crucial for our physiotherapy app.


Backend Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails provided the robust ecosystem and rapid development capabilities we needed. It facilitated easy scaling and smooth API communication with the mobile app, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Logic Tree Management Vue.js with json_logic

For managing the complex decision tree logic, we implemented Vue.js with json_logic. This combination allowed for efficient management of the decision-making rules, enabling easy updates without altering the core application code.


Milestones in Algorithm Optimization and User Experience

Bringing our client's vision to life was an exciting journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Our implementation process was marked by continuous learning, iteration, and problem-solving. Key milestones and challenges overcome included:


Algorithm Optimization

We optimized our algorithm to handle up to 100,000 potential outcomes in just seconds, down from several minutes initially.


Dynamic Sessions

We created a system to divide exercise plans into daily sessions, adapting to how patients were progressing and feeling.


Personalized Diagnostics

We developed a smart questionnaire that changes its questions based on previous answers, ensuring a personalized and efficient diagnostic process.


Multilingual Preparation

We laid the groundwork for supporting 8 languages in future updates, implementing a flexible system for adding new languages.

Challenges Overcome
Challenges Overcome

Tackling Complexity for Seamless User Experience

Turning our client's vision into reality presented several complex hurdles that required innovative solutions. Our team faced these challenges head-on, leveraging our expertise and creative problem-solving skills. Here are two key obstacles we overcame during the development process:


Algorithm Complexity

We optimized the processing of vast amounts of data by implementing advanced caching mechanisms and fine-tuning our database queries.


User Experience Balance

We struck a balance between gathering comprehensive patient input and maintaining a streamlined, engaging user interface through extensive user testing and iterative design.


Performance Optimization

We significantly reduced the processing time for complex scenarios from minutes to just seconds, ensuring a smooth user experience.


A Powerful MVP with Future-Ready Features

The culmination of our efforts resulted in a groundbreaking application that exceeded our client's expectations. Our innovative approach delivered a product that not only met the initial requirements but also laid a strong foundation for future enhancements. Key accomplishments included:


Sizable MVP Developed

We successfully delivered a comprehensive Minimum Viable Product that fully functions for one spine section. This MVP allows users to benefit from personalized therapy sessions in the comfort of their homes, effectively bringing physiotherapy expertise to their fingertips.


Proprietary Algorithm Implemented

At the heart of our solution lies a sophisticated proprietary algorithm. This algorithm analyzes patient input to select appropriate exercises and generate individually customized therapy sessions, mimicking the expertise of a professional physiotherapist.


Dynamic Therapy Adaptation

Our system goes beyond static recommendations by continuously monitoring the patient's condition and reported ailments. If a patient's condition worsens, the app offers new, more tailored therapy sessions, ensuring ongoing, personalized care.


Foundation for Future Enhancements

While focusing on delivering a solid MVP, we also laid the groundwork for future growth. The application is prepared for expansion to cover more spine sections, structured for potential AI implementation, and ready for localization into 8 languages, setting the stage for comprehensive, global spine care.

Future Direction
Future Direction

Expanding Capabilities for Comprehensive Spine Care

With the successful launch of our MVP, we're excited about the potential for growth and innovation. Our team is already looking ahead to the next phase of development, committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in digital health care. Future plans include:


Expanded Coverage

We're planning to expand the algorithm to cover more spine sections and related issues.


AI Integration

We're looking at implementing AI to make exercise recommendations even more precise and track progress more accurately.


Wearable Integration

We're exploring integrating support for wearable devices to monitor progress in real-time and help correct exercise form.

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